Martin Gutjahr

Geboren 1963 in Bremen. Kindheit und Jugend in der Schweiz. Erste Zeichenkurse in Gegenstandszeichnen und Portrait während zwei Jahren. Töpferlehre im Berner Oberland, zwei Gesellenjahre in Rheinfelden und in den USA.

Studium der Bildhauerei am Emerson College in England, danach sieben Jahre Kunst- und Werklehrertätigkeit in Graz, Oesterreich. Reisen in Europa, Nordamerika, Japan, Israel.

Studium der Malerei an der Freien Malschule Paul Pollock, Freiburg und bei Hans Georg Aenis, Basel. Seit 2002 freischaffender Künstler in Deutschland und Italien. Unterrichtet in England.



Was born in 1963 in Bremen. He spent his school years and youth in Switzerland, where he also took a first class in abstract and portrait drawing during two years. School was followed by pottery training in the Alps near Bern, two years as pottery fellow in Rheinfelden and the USA.

Martin studied sculptering at the Emerson College in England and taught seven years as art teacher in Graz, Austria and travelled in Europe, North America, Japan, and Israel.

Martin continued to study painting with Paul Pollock in Freiburg and Hans Georg Aenis in Basel and is an artist since 2002 living in Germany and Italy and teaching in England.



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